Approximately 40 percent of pregnant women complain of thinning hair or hair loss over the course of their pregnancy, and in the 2 to 3 months that follow delivery. It’s usually temporary and your hair will grow back!

While some pregnant women may actually see an improvement in the thickness and shininess of their hair due to an increase in estrogen and as a side effect of prenatal vitamins, there are many reasons others experience the opposite.

First, hormonal changes cause a sudden shift in the levels of estrogen and progesterone your body is producing during pregnancy and for a period of time after delivery. A surge in progesterone can have a drying effect on your hair causing it to become brittle and break easier. So it’s important you keep your hair moisturized throughout your pregnancy.

The function of your thyroid gland can also change after pregnancy, and low levels of thyroid hormones can lead to hair loss. Have your doctor check your thyroid hormone levels after you deliver because this issue can be easily fixed with certain medications. 

Mineral deficiencies can also wreak havoc on your hair. A physiological anemia occurs during pregnancy that can leave many women iron deficient, potentially leading to hair loss. So make sure you stay on an iron supplement even after your pregnancy to help balance out your levels. Many women often lack sufficient amounts of magnesium and zinc as well. Your levels of these vitamins can easily be checked by your doctor and supplemented, if necessary.

Vitamin deficiencies can also contribute to your thinning locks. Many new moms find they are low on vitamin B complex after childbirth. This can again be supplemented, but eating a balanced diet rich in natural oils, complex carbohydrates and protein can help. These nutrients are essential for maintaining good cellular growth, which can lead to healthier hair follicles.

Is there abnormal hair loss during pregnancy?

Hair loss that is connected to pregnancy usually occurs after delivery. During pregnancy, an increased number of hairs go into the resting phase, which is part of the normal hair loss cycle.

Why do people talk about hair loss and pregnancy?

The most common period of hair loss occurs approximately three months after delivery. The rise in hormones during pregnancy keeps you from losing your hair.

After delivery, the hormones return to normal levels, which allows the hair to fall out and return to the normal cycle. The normal hair loss that was delayed during pregnancy may fall out all at once.

Up to 60% of your hair that is in the growth state may enter into the telogen resting state. The hair loss usually peaks 3-4 months after delivery as your hair follicles rejuvenate themselves.